Establishing a business case
I wanted to understand what other products were on the market, and compare their strengths and weaknesses. Innovating on these existing competitor features will make the new app worthwhile.
Competitive audit insights
01. Branding will set product apart in a crowded market
Other competitors had more users. Sweetgreen captures users to order through their app over UberEats with a highly branded experience that inspires brand loyalty.
02. Group ordering features: invite link, delivery address, & who will pay functionality
UberEats and Doordash offer these features for users. Create-your-own style orders have a higher order error potential. Group ordering will scale back on large group errors and allow flexibility in the order experience.
03. Simple and clean design will promote efficiency & navigation
For users with such high expectations for independence in ordering, efficiency and easy of navigation will prevent dropoff.
Once upon a time...
I empathized further with users after establishing a business case by storyboarding
Who is this app for?
My research made two types of users stand out; the young gen-z customer and the established millennial.
I developed user personas and a user journey to represent these two types of users to make sure I am addressing the diverse needs of both user groups.
Gen-Z Gastronome
Millenial Gourmand
User Journey
Since the overall goal was to emphasize group ordering, the gen-z use case became my focus.
Since some gen-zers are still dependent on parental figures, I created a doing-thinking-feeling user journey for Letty’s persona to track her past food delivery app experience to define areas of improvement.
Core User Hypotheses
To summarize the research above, I focused on these core user hypotheses.
01. Group ordering function will decrease anxiety and group order error.
02. Group ordering will give users self determination and flexibility.
03. Branded visual design will drive loyalty and retention.